Creative enterprises: New hope or business complexity?

Creativity can build an alternative model

We all discuss how the model behind capitalism is failing, and which model suits better the new world. Well, focusing always on the economic value seems discarded. The alternative capitalism relies on value conversations over value propositions, value circle instead of value chains, for the benefit of the society before profit, with a philosophy before the strategies. Making a difference with the creative industries contributes to completing markets instead of exploring them, stimulating innovation, and building new models for promoting cultural good, social change and economy.

Creativity and entrepreneurship: where art matters

Creative enterprises unleash individual creativity, and link it with business strategies. It adds a layer of human skills and talent to cultivate innovative businesses, through human centered design thinking.

In this sense, creative industries give shape to new economic models, by connecting different axes such as performing arts, publishing, multimedia and audiovisual media, visual arts and artisanal products with technology, social needs, and social values. Which means creative industries become an important component in the economy and require attention. Designers for example don’t produce only aesthetic touches, but go beyond in contributing to the market success of products and services.

From passion for art to business challenges

The development of creative enterprises requires enhancing management skills and the ability to grow startups in the creative industries. This starts from building networks, and creating specific link between sellers and buyers. Performing arts for example illustrate this logic.

Creative enterprises seek to overcome challenges related to distribution, intellectual property and developing effective strategies and revenue models for new products. Taking into account emerging technologies as important outlets, changing revenue and business models, and the relaying needs for commercial innovation. The complexity to identify the specificities of the cultural market makes it difficult to define a common standard for interoperability. Creatives are often in need of different management and positioning strategies because their products are out of the traditional range.


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Karim El Hamri
Karim El Hamri

Karim El Hamri is a big passionate about art and creativity, he believes linking business skills and arts can save lifes. Experienced in managing innovation hubs, Karim has a background in electrical engineering, personal development and visual arts.

Articles: 2

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