Growth Hacker Marketing

Le livre de la semaine : « Growth Hacker Marketing » – Auteur : Ryan Holiday.

A new generation of megabrands like Facebook, Dropbox, Airbnb, and Twitter haven’t spent a dime on traditional marketing. No press releases, no TV commercials, no billboards. Instead, they rely on a new strategy —growth hacking— to reach many more people despite modest marketing budgets. Growth hackers have thrown out the old playbook and replaced it with tools that are testable, trackable, and scalable. They believe that products and businesses should be modified repeatedly until they’re primed to generate explosive reactions.

Bestselling author Ryan Holiday, the acclaimed marketing guru for American Apparel and many bestselling authors and multiplatinum musicians, explains the new rules and provides valuable examples and case studies for aspiring growth hackers. Whether you work for a tiny start-up or a Fortune 500 giant, if you’re responsible for building awareness and buzz for a product or service, this is your road map.

​ »Whether you’re currently a marketing executive or a college grad about to enter the field—the first growth hackers have pioneered a new way. Some of their strategies are incredibly technical and complex. The strategies also change constantly; in fact, occasionally it might work only one time. This book is short because it sticks with the timeless parts. I also won’t weigh you down with heavy concepts like “cohort analysis” and “viral coefficients.” Instead, we will focus on the mindset—it’s far and away the most important part. »​ – Ryan Holiday.

A propos de l’auteur

Ryan Holiday is the bestselling author of multiple books, including Trust Me I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator. After dropping out of college at 19 to apprentice under Robert Greene, author of The 48 Laws of Power, he went on to advise many bestselling authors and multiplatinum musicians, and served as director of marketing at American Apparel. He currently lives in Austin and writes for Thought Catalog and the New York Observer.

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L’Avis du Libraire

An important read to update our mindsets on how the society works nowadays.

It helps with refreshing the brain, explaining the concept of growth hacking and making the reader familiar with most of its concepts. Delightfully packed with the insights of great modern marketers and entrepreneurs. A easy and quick read that is definitely worth your time.​

Disponible chez Préface au prix de : 329,00 DH.

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Hind Daif
Hind Daif

Hind Daif, 24 printemps, Social Media Manager. Férue de citations et de livres d’un autre temps. Diplômée en politiques de communication, et passionnée par l’univers du digital dans sa dimension la plus stratégique selon les différentes problématiques clients. Je serais ravie de partager mon modeste savoir avec vous, alors pour toute question ou rencontre, n’hésitez pas à me contacter !

Articles: 73

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